Homosexual Marriages Essay

Submitted By ivnehaas
Words: 1149
Pages: 5

Wendy Barnes Ivne Haas

ENG 098 05/05/10

Homosexual Marriages

Homosexual unions have never been so discussed as they have been in the last decades. The argument is mainly whether the term "marriage" should be applied, considering the social and legal changes it would imply. Nowadays, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, Norway, Sweden and South Africa are the only countries in which the legal status of same-sex marriages is exactly the same as that of opposite-sex marriages. The granting of same-sex marriages is also being considered by several other countries in Europe. In the United States, same-sex couples can currently marry and receive state level benefits in five states, which are New Hampshire, Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont and Connecticut, and the District of Columbia, When asked whether homosexual marriages should be recognized federally, two disagreed and one agreed.

Ksenia, a 23-year-old college student, disagreed with recognizing same-sex marriages in the United States. She says that there are a lot of Christian people in this country and it is not accepted in Christian doctrine. "It is disgusting to see two men or women kissing; it’s totally unusual," she adds. Ksenia also states that God has created man and women for each other in order to make a perfect family, and other way is unnatural. "God does not approve it; He wouldn't have created our sexual parts matching so perfectly if He did", she explains. Furthermore, she defends parents right to teach their children the kind of behavior they should have. "It is not right that a female teacher comes into the classroom wearing a marriage ring "naturally" talking about her wife," she adds considering that a teacher is the role model for the role model for the students. Ksenia strongly believes that "they need to get treatment." "There is something wrong, mental disability, something", she concludes.

Elias, a 28-year-old construction worker in New Jersey, also disagreed that homosexual unions should be legalized. He strongly believes that same-sex parents would not have certain structure to be a family. "Children need both the mother and the father figure in the family," he emphasizes. He also says that every child needs an adult of the same sex to talk about their intimacy, especially during puberty. "What happens when a girl's period comes? How difficult would that be for her having to talk about it with her aunt or grandmother? She needs a mother," he adds. Elias also says that a child raised by a same-sex couple would end up having psychological problems and even traumas. "Imagine at school a child being victim of prejudice for having a dad and a "dad", instead of a mom and a dad like the others," he explains. He also thinks that a boy raised by two moms, for example, is very likely to become effeminate. He explains that "the boy would watch their "mom's" kind gestures, make up, sweet voice, and would learn all this with them. Another reason is that, according to him, spiritual guidance is very important, and "it is not blessed by God." Elias concludes saying that "a family that does not follow God's teachings is not truly happy."

Vinicius, a 32-year-old technical support attendant, agreed that opposite sex couples, not only should, but must have the legal right to marry. He claims that people should be free to do what they want and decide what is best for them. "The government can’t determine that a couple can’t be together. If the two like each other, why not?" he adds. He also says that "laws can’t take away people’s right to choose who to love." Vinicius states that people should be treated as equal, whatever their sexual orientation is. "Heterosexual couples have the right to build their family, so homosexuals should have it too." he adds. Vinicius claims that authorities should care about the homosexuals as well as the rest of the people, with feelings and dreams. He defends the homosexual behaviour by saying that they are born like that, and it is