How Did James Madison Contribute To Government

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Pages: 2

James Madison accomplished many things during his lifetime. He was the fourth president of the United States. James Madison was born on March 16, 1751, in Port Conway, Virginia. He was raised in his family plantation and was the twelfth oldest child. When he was a teenager he left his home to attend college of New Jersey.("James Madison"). After graduating college he had a military career for eight years as colonel.("James Madison").
During the American Revolutionary War he was colonel. After a while he gave up the military life for a politician one. As a politician he fought for religious freedom. He would soon be known as the "Father of the Constitution" because he is the main reason the articles were ratified in 1781. James wrote most of the essays that supported the Constitution. In the process of the new constitution it had to be ratified by thirteen states, but four states thought the federal government would have too much power. After writing the essays they would soon be published
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He served two terms. During his terms he faced many issues overseas with Britain. He sent a war proclamation against Britain.When he ran for his second term, he won, but got criticized and blamed from the difficulties of the war. The United States stopped trading with Europe. Then the British troops came to Washington D.C and burned down buildings including the White House. The Madison's fled the scene. James Madison formed the "Virginia Plan which was a detailed government with three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. With this plan it formed the basis of the United States constitution." (Israel, 74). He formed the system of checks and balances which stated that no branch had greater power over another. The supporters of the constitution were known as the Federalists and those against the constitution were known as the anti-federalists. "He was the youngest member of the continental congress."( "James