Jamestown Colony

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Pages: 3

A colony that I believed really shaped the future of the United States was Virginia. The colony of Virginia first started out as a small uncivilized colony with the first settlement of Jamestown. The settlement of Jamestown really impacted the colonies for the better. Virginia become an agriculture and economic colony.

The settlement of Jamestown was founded in 1607. The colonists were hoping to find gold like the Spanish did. The colonists were not successful at all. The first couple of years brought famine, disease and conflicts between the native people that resided there. The colonists were just too worried about looking for gold and not caring what was important. They neglected to grow crops to have a food source and by the year of 1608 more than have the colonists that arrived in Jamestown died. However there was still hope for this new settlement with the help of Captain John Smith. Captain Smith had a good background on military
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With the acceptance of the first cargo of slaves. The slave trade shaped Virginia and throughout the rest of the south. Twelve and half million slaves were brought from Africa to the new world. About 128,000 slaves were brought to the Chesapeake Bay region. One noble slave was Equiano. He describe the middle passage on how awful it was and how he was granted freedom. Equiano wrote how the first thing he see was the sea and the slave ship. Once he got on board he described how terrified he was. He wrote how the crew members through him around. All he saw was black people of all types chained to one another. Equiano wrote how he saw poor african slaves badly whipped and beaten. The smell of the ship was horrible he describe. The smell of sick and dying slaves overtook the ship more or less. Equiano told how he heard the screams of women. Once they arrived to the new world, he wrote how they got moved around like sheep and were sold to fellow