Persuasive Essay

Submitted By Oscar-Barbosa
Words: 347
Pages: 2

Persuasive Essay

What would happen if the famous African American have a national holiday? In an article says that Richard Allen, A famous African American should have a National Holiday. In my opinion I think he should have the National Holiday. If he doesn’t have it, it will be unfair because he helped a lot in the community, so I agree with the idea for the following reasons (A) He founded the African Methodist Episcopal (AME), (B) He was a minister, educator and writer, (C) He opened the first church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
To begin with, Richard Allen was the founder of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, which is the oldest denomination among independent African American churches; He was the first bishop of it and in addition, Richard Allen and Absalom Jones were the formers of a Free African Society (FAS).
Next, I understand that some people will think that Richard Allen is just a founder of the AME and the FAS, but I learned that he also was a minister, educator and writer. He taught children and even himself to read and write. He was in the Pan-Africanism. Moreover, he was bilingual; he knew how to speak English, Gullah, Louisiana creole French, and African American Vernacular English. Therefore, he was a good politic.
Finally, he was the opener of the first church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; He was the bishop of it and many other churches. He was very religious and he had a great knowledge of it, and he made African American religious