Pt1420 Unit 2 Assignment

Words: 2008
Pages: 9

A. Introducing the Assignment Every summer I spend a lot of time solving Sudoku a “logic-based number placement puzzle” which is one of my favorite games. I was taught how to solve these mathematical puzzle games five years ago and since then it is a daily routine of mine. I soon realized that mathematics consisted a great part of my everyday life. Yet, I had never thought of the mathematical significance and specifically the logic and mathematical thinking involved when playing this game, something that others playing Sudoku must have neglected as well. Consequently, I found it an interesting idea to explore this topic and further examine the role of mathematics and the methods used to solve Sudoku puzzles but also to consider the historical roots of the game. Therefore, the research question that arose was to calculate how many are all the valid 9x9 Sudoku grids that can be formed following the One Rule of the game. The research question is responded using simple arithmetic with a few Combinations, Permutations and Factorials.

B. Sudoku
This logic-based combinational puzzle game has its origins in Switzerland as it
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A Sudoku is a grid 9 squares wide and 9 squares deep (9x9=81 squares). Yet, the same rules apply to 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and so on square puzzles. As mentioned also before, the horizontal lines are called rows while the vertical lines are called columns . The darker lines further divide the grid into nine blocks (3x3 squares). Some cells are already given, filled with numbers. The task is to complete all the other blank squares. There is only one simple but extremely important rule. As stated, the One Rule requires that each row, column and box must end up containing all numbers from 1 to 9 and each number can only appear once.

E. Origin and Growth of