Single Word Research Paper

Words: 650
Pages: 3

The words and thoughts that go through your mind create you. What you think of or say you become.

Saying or thinking one single different word could change your life forever.

The words create everything we have. Math as well. We need math and language for mostly everything.

Without these two subjects we would be lost. Where did these come from? I've always wondered that. I have thoughts and ideas. I read a lot of Egyptian history and about the pyramids. I recommend you do as well, very interesting.

A single word can change you forever. There are several hormones that are produced off thoughts and ideas in the brain. Cortisol is one of the hormones.

When you feel under stress, woried, scared, tense or angry. Some sort of negative feeling.
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Our bodies are nothing but just a bunch of chemical reactions going on at once.

Listen to your body and try your best to control your Energy/happiness levels.

If you think negative you become negative. If you think positively, you become a positive person.

If you focus on a skill or craft your body focuses on that craft. The hormones throughout your body get a high in a way. It's a long story to explain. Similar to a mad scientist working, hahaha.

The same goes with a word. Just keep saying it and thinking it and you'll see the results of it trust me.

Become what you think, and say.

I might sound crazy in all of this but, this is how I express myself.

I believe it to be true. Science proves a lot of things, but then again, nothing can be 100% true so I guess in all theory we will never know anything.

So saying that. We know nothing as a species we only have ideas. Everything we learned was created by someone just like you. Let the thoughts in your mind be free. Dont let the words and things you see change you.

Listen to the words and phrases produced in you. Don't let negative phrases enter within. Still listen to others, don't ignore them but