Thomas Jefferson Research Paper

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Pages: 3

By studying human behaviors, lifestyle choices, and emotional waves, scientists have discovered that both traumatic and enjoyable experiences may have an impact on a person for the remainder of their life. People’s behaviors can be better understood by investigating their upbringings and significant events in their lives. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, is an interesting person to analyze. Jefferson is known for his shy demeanor, yet influential ideals and leadership. Through studies of his major life experiences, people today can understand the complexity of Jefferson’s behavior in relation to his past. As a child, Jefferson’s father placed a great emphasis on Jefferson’s education, reading, and playing outdoors. …show more content…
The loss of his father and his father’s ideals likely impacted Jefferson’s drive for academic success. Possibly another result of losing his father at a young age, Jefferson suffered from great anxiety. When Jefferson bought a house, he built his own home on a mountain-secluded (NPS). Although Jefferson was influential with his ideals, it is understood that he was shy during debates in Congress and mostly expressed himself through writing. When Jefferson’s draft of the Declaration of Independence was reviewed in Congress, he was affronted they revised nearly one fifth of his draft (Ellis). Perhaps, Jefferson’s perfectionism coincided with severe anxiety issues. Studies explain perfectionism can stem from parents who use an authoritarian style of discipline and training (Craddock, Church, Sands). Because of the strain in Jefferson’s relationship with his mother, it is likely he coped by striving for excellence in other areas of his life, like writing and education. Research shows that in some cases of severe anxiety, greater anxiety results in greater academic performance …show more content…
While he was in Paris, he placed his daughters in a convent and stressed to them female etiquette. Jefferson’s inability to face his emotions is revealed in the contradictory of his writings about racism and also his writings about avoiding the European lifestyle. Even though he discussed the inhumanity of racism, and wrote “all men are created equal,” Jefferson owned slaves himself. Despite Jefferson’s suggestion to Americans to steer clear of the insincerity of the European lifestyle, he enjoyed the lifestyle’s luxury himself. With a broken emotional awareness, Jefferson was unable to tend to his daughters and be a present father. Validating Jefferson’s brokenness, DNA tests have shown Jefferson fathered the children of one of his slaves (Monticello). Jefferson escaped his emotional trauma through his relationship with academics, policy, luxury, and his relationship with Sally Hemmings, the slave who bore their child. Jefferson is a clear example of needing to strive for excellence in response to devastating events. Contradiction between his writings and his lifestyle shows desperation in Jefferson’s mind to do well, yet his inability to carry it