What Are The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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There has been a long debate about animal testing. There are pros and cons for animal testing. Many people believe that animal testing is unacceptable, yet others believe it acceptable and beneficial. Animals should not be used for scientific or commercial testing because it is wrong to test on other living organisms and cruel to cause them pain.
My first contention that is against animal testing is that it is usually defective. Most experiments that involve animals are usually faulty, taking the lives of faultless animals. For example, it could kill the animals, and it’s unfair to cause them pain, loneliness, and fear. In addition it’s bad science it may pass in animals but fail in humans. Also, it’s wasteful having animals suffer while you could use that time on human-relevant research.
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The harmful stuff they do to animals in experiments is not only cruel but also often unsuccessful. For example, the animal could die during testing. Plus, over millions of animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in our labs every year. Around 90% of the drugs they test that are safe and effective in animals, fail in humans. However, some people might argue that animals don’t have rights, so it would be okay to experiment on them. Animals are treated differently than humans in every culture. Also, the animals that test usually have a short life span. Still, of course animals don’t have rights but they are just like us. For example, animals feel pain and animals have feelings. If you were to kill or make an animal suffer it would be like making a human suffer or similar to killing a human.
There is no doubt that animals testing is horrible because you're killing or injuring innocent animals. Also, you are making them afraid and making them suffer. Animal testing is awful and upsetting to see and hear about innocent animals getting killed or injured, so please consider stopping animals testing for the 2017