Why Am I Attending College

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Pages: 2

Attending college had always been the top priority regarding my education. Receiving a college education was the goal since sixth grade where I utilized a program to look up universities hoping I would find one I might attend. While my dream school changed, I knew I would go to college regardless. It would be the opportunity to receive an education my dad never had and allow me to explore the vast possibilities of careers. Higher education provides stability in a world of unknowns that I have personally endured with my parents. We had lost our house when I was young due to medical bills and my dad losing his job because he lacked a college degree. Countless times I have heard them argue about money because unemployment is not a new concept in my family. These setbacks would not hinder my abilities, and it …show more content…
It proved my love for learning new information. If I were to be tied down to one repetitive job like delivering food orders for the rest of my life, I fear it would leave me uninterested. College would give me access to extensive learning about my passions for the next four years. Being a doctor would give me a profession with consistent learning because the medical field changes constantly and would keep me intrigued for a lifetime. Two summers ago, I was able to travel to Ecuador and help a small community gain access to something as basic as a recycling bin leaving me to wonder how they could even access health care. In fact, the nearest healthcare facility was more than five miles away without the aide of automobiles. I felt some responsibility to use the privileges I have been given to find a solution to this issue. I look forward to attending Lake Forest College in the fall pursuing a degree in neuroscience. Without hesitation, I know this chance at a higher education will allow me to achieve my dreams of becoming a