Why Was The Us Constitution Important

Words: 491
Pages: 2

The U.S. Constitution is one of the most far-reaching documents ever fabricated. It’s been the starting point to numerous prevailing constitutions that are seen implemented in other countries today. Many of the ideas of the Declaration of Independence were added upon in the Constitution. The Constitution entitles many citizens of America with the ability to choose their own direction in life, unalienable rights protect a peoples’ freedom of life in order to pursue happiness, and consent of the governed means that the government protects its people by giving its citizens the power to keep it just and free. Unalienable rights means that people get the chance to pursue happiness. The Constitution protects this by unifying the States with one essential document about how the government should operate. Unalienable rights were important to the Founders because prior to the founding of the U.S. the person's were ruled by the British King, who started to take our rights away, slowly leading up to the Revolutionary …show more content…
The Founders attempted to prevent another tyrannical rule by allowing the person's the capability to have a say in governmental issues by giving consent of the governed to the citizens. This is protected by the Bill of Rights, but Amendment XV is one of the main protectors by giving people voting rights. This gives people the chance to prevent the government from stepping over its boundaries by giving citizens the chance to prevent any unjust governmental behavior. Back before the creation of the Constitution, people were given little to no say in the government, but today, because of the U.S., many other countries have decided to follow in the footsteps of America because of our people being able to have a say in governmental issues. Consent of the governed prevents the government from becoming tyrannical by taking away our