Why You Should Be Considered An Adult Essay

Words: 587
Pages: 3

When you turn 18 in the U.S. you are legally considered an adult. People have been debating whether or not this is a good idea. A lot of them say that sense your thought process has not been fully developed at this age, you should not be considered an adult. People should be considered adults at 18 because they are old enough to be a soldier, and they become responsible for their own education.
A reason why we consider 18-year-olds to be adult is because they are old enough to go to war. When America was first founded the age, you couldn’t vote until you were 21. This age changed because people thought that if you were old enough to be a soldier that you were an adult. “The American colonies mostly set their voting ages at 21, reflecting British common law. This requirement went largely unchallenged until World War II, when several members of Congress proposed amending the Constitution to lower the age to 18.” People thought that if you were old enough to go to war you were old enough to vote. In the U.S. when you can vote you are legally considered an adult. When you can make big decisions like joining the army you should be considered an adult.
When you turn 18 the government is no longer responsible for your schooling.
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One argument is that prefrontal cortex- the part of your brain used for reasoning- isn’t fully developed until 25. We make 18 year-olds decide life changing decisions like joining the military or going to college and this would still not change even if the legal age of adulthood did. Another argument Is that at 18 they haven’t had much experience outside of school and the home. School is enough experience because it teaches kids how to build relationships, function in a work place, and work under tremendous amounts of stress. At 18 people have had lots of experience of making decision and overall life skills because that’s what school was preparing them