Arguments Against Racial Profiling

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Pages: 4

Malcolm X stated, “You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has freedom.”

There are several facts I believe in from racial profiling to freedom of speech and understanding what domestic terrorism is all about. Therefore, these concepts encourage my need for knowledge and understanding how people envision each other in addition to conversing with one another. These topics are a passion which needs addressing. They can empower and discourage all within a space based on a few actions.

When it comes to freedom of speech I have a right to voice my opinion in a responsible manner without having a person taken what I say into account in a negative manner. Everyone has an inherent ability to choose sides yet
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minorities are not all criminals. minorities do not all steal, cheat or take from the federal government as if it is our own personal piggy bank. Minorities pay taxes, prepare to become doctors, lawyers, and even police officers by educating themselves. We work rigorously in multiple fields. We are essentially a productive group and personally deserve respect as we respect others. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial contributor Jeffrey Mittman reported in June 2015 “African-Americans are also being stopped in their own neighborhoods or when they have crossed an invisible line into a predominantly white neighborhood, not because of what they have done, but because of how they look.” Mittman suggests the 15year Vehicle Stop Report gathers from police departments in Missouri tends to view minorities when it comes to stop, search and arrest procedures. Mittman reported white citizens in Missouri are more likely to have contrabands than blacks or Hispanics. When I hear and read statements concerning this it produces a negative reaction and lets me wonder if the federal and state government doing anything to deter these procedures. Yet no matter what I feel as an African American when questioning the negativity displayed I come off as just another statistic. To them, I happen to just be another lazy