Be That Guy Ad Campaign

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Pages: 2

The “Don’t Be That Guy” ad campaign developed by the Vancouver Police in 2011 featured a series of posters that were displayed in bars and around the city to raise awareness of sexual assault. As a result, this ad campaign decreased sexual assault by 10 percent in the year of 2011. One of the posters features a young woman stretched out on a couch with wine bottles on the floor. She is wearing a short dress and red tights. The ad reads “Just because she isn’t saying no doesn’t mean she is saying yes” and “Sex without consent = sexual assault. Don’t Be That Guy.” This is a very powerful series of posters which really makes the viewer think twice. The wicked problem of sexual assault was always a tough topic to raise awareness about, however this campaign pushed the limits to make viewers feel …show more content…
They created an innovative nail polish that can detect date rape drugs in drinks. Their goal is to “invent tech- nologies that empower women to pro- tect themselves from this heinous and quietly pervasive crime”. This prod- uct has received many positive and neg- ative comments. The positive factors is that it is empowering to see four young men developing a product to raise awareness about sexual assault and to help empower women. The negative aspects of this product is that it is gen- der bias and puts the blame on the woman, as she would have to wear nail polish to make sure her drink hasn’t been drugged. We live in a society where women constantly have to be aware of their surroundings. Women have to work hard to prevent themselves of becoming victims of sexual assault and are told to avoid wearing revealing clothing, to nev- er travel alone and to make sure they are careful when they are out drinking. After all these concerns, why would women now be told to wear nail polish to make sure they aren’t being