My Transition From The Philippines To The US

Submitted By GoldGuardainX
Words: 352
Pages: 2

There hasn't been one event that has genuinely affected me as a person in Amy major scale. My transition from the Philippines to the U.S. in 2006, however, has led me to other small scale experiences that have shaped me as a person. My transition from the Philippines to the U.S. has led me to experience different events and be part of different groups which have all ultimately formed the person that I am today. In March of the year 2006, my parents and I immigrated to the U.S. My parents main reason for immigrating was to take hold of an economic opportunity through getting work visas as nurses. The new environment and situation led me to be able to experience more things, such as traveling to New York and Japan. These new opportunities gave fruition to my interest in New York, Broadway, japanese culture, anime, and the unique differences of varying cultures. Now living in the U.S., I experienced the public school system and the diversity present in this country. This experience has allowed me to develop individualized opinions, appreciation of the arts through band, choir, and theatre, a sense of individualism through accepting my differences by being surrounded by the varying people in America, and a more accepting point of view in the world as opposed to the typical eastern, reserved opinions of my parents. Finally, being surrounded by the diverse cultures of varying people who make up America, I learned to accept cultural diversity and developed my morals