Example Of Narrative Essay For College

Words: 482
Pages: 2

Pearls are the only gem that derive from a living creature. Formed when an irritant finds it’s way to the center of an oyster; pearls are the result of years of repeated coatings of a substance called nacre; a defense mechanism that reduces irritation and produces something lustrous and valuable. My childhood was made up of many irritants. People and events that still to this day tear into the corners of my mind. It took away many opportunities, my sanity, and a lot of the hope that I had for my future. My mother, only seventeen when my twin and I were born, worked fervently to provide for us, but eventually four kids and her own undiagnosed mental health issues made it an onerous task . Between moving every other year, constantly living with unsavory characters, and allocating too much time to childcare and housework; I grew up before I even realized my youth however, the uncertainty that I lived through made me realize the importance of education in bettering my future. …show more content…
Even though I was forced to mature faster than my peers, I am even more aware of the kindness of others. Even though I find myself praying that I never hurt someone as badly as she wounded me, I am proud. I am proud of the person that I have become despite a hostile upbringing. I am proud of the years of nacre I have built up to lessen the absence of my mother; and most of all I am grateful for the people in life now that encourage and support me. From my experience as a child, I have learned the importance of hard work and dedication as well as the importance of reflecting on the past to attain insight into the future by