Friar Lawrence To Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Words: 410
Pages: 2

When reading Romeo and Juliet, did you ever take a moment and think who was the main person that caused the ending? Who did you think was to blame for all that happened? I personally believe that Friar Lawrence was the cause of the tragedy. Because of the Friar's actions, words, and personal association with the matter, he is to be the main blame for the tragic results of Romeo and Juliet. But is there evidence to believe all of this, especially towards a character who is supposedly helping Romeo and Juliet? Well heres the evidence I have for the Friar, the cause of all the trouble. First of all, the Friar advice and persistence for Juliet and Romeo helps them stay attached, meaning there is no room for a peaceful result. The Friar says, “Hold,