Greek Mythology Research Paper

Words: 268
Pages: 2

Do you like Greek Mythology? If you don’t then I’m going to give you a few reasons why you should like Greek Mythology by talking about some of the amazing stories that are in Greek Mythology.
In the myth, “Daedalus and Icarus,” the moral taught in this story was to not be so over confident in using your freedom. “Soon as the vast heat beat on his face and on his back and on the great wings stuck on with wax. The was softened . The wax trickled.The wax dripped. One feather came unstuck. Then a plume of the feathers fluttered slowly down.”(McCaughrean 56) The morals of the story is there to help explain not to be so over confident with the story that represents a lesson to learn for the reader.
In the myth, “Phaethon,” the moral taught in this