How Did So Many Colonists Die In Jamestown

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Pages: 2

It was a difficult beginning. Jamestown was a settlement, established by colonists sent by the Virginia Company in 1607. In Jamestown many colonists died. I believe 3 big reasons the colonists died were problems with the Natives, environmental problems, and lack of skills. Specifically I feel that lack of skills in the New World was the main cause of death in Jamestown, but Natives and environmental problems played a part also

I strongly believe that many people died in Jamestown, because lack of skills created problems for the settlers. The settlers were not prepared, and therefore they lacked the medicine and hunting skills to stay healthy during diseases like the “Summer Sickness.” For example according to “Document C,” when
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The colonists had many skirmishes with them. “Document D” stated that, when Francis West sailed to trade with the Natives, he decapitated two of them just to get grain! The Natives attacked Jamestown, and they killed 150 colonists from 1607- 1610. The Natives would attack colonists that set foot out of Jamestown, and would raid their food stores. At one time the Powhatan raided Jamestown’s food stores, which caused many colonists to starve. This event mixed with a severe drought, was called the “Starving Time”.

The settlers in Jamestown faced many struggles, and many of them died. “Why did so many people die in Jamestown?” They died of lack of skills, the environment, and Natives. The Lack of skills caused settlers to come unprepared and not bring enough provisions or tools. The environment killed many settlers because the water was brackish, and there were many diseases. The Natives also caused trouble, since they raided the colonist’s food stores and killed many settlers during those raids. Although many settlers died and the colonists faced struggles, persevered and kept Jamestown