How Does Abigail Williams Change In The Crucible

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In the pal the Crucible the town change how they feel. These inward changes cause people’s feelings about John Proctor to change as well. The character whose change in sentiment is most important to the story is Abigail Williams, creator of the biggest lie. As Dorian changes, Basil’s regard for him shifts from admiration to pity and, finally, to horror. By identifying with , the reader can appreciate just how far Dorian Gray has fallen. We first meet Dorian in Basil’s studio, where he is sitting for a portrait. Because of his physical beauty and his pure, unspoiled nature, Basil elevates Dorian almost to the status of a demigod. Dorian inspires Basil’s painting, and his portrait of Dorian is his best work. Both on canvas and in real life,