Research Paper On Human Trafficking

Words: 455
Pages: 2

Human Trafficking on the Internet Seven years. That’s how long it took before Lucy saw her children again. She’d missed seven years of birthdays, holidays, and other special times that mothers share with their children. Lucy missed them because she was spending those seven years as a victim of trafficking. Her lover and the father of her children convinced her that she could find a way to earn enough money to support her children when seeing an ad online of an easy way to earn money by coming with him to the United States, and then return to them after a few months. She believed him and after leaving her children in the care of her mother, followed him. Once she came to New York, however, he quickly forced her to become a prostitute, taking advantage of her trust and hopes. For the next seven years, Lucy had no rights. She suffered her lover’s abuse and exploitation, and he never let her contact her children. One click is all it takes, that one click that he made on the internet would determine Lucy’s life. Stories like this happen all over the world. The internet has made human trafficking an epidemic. …show more content…
Some trafficking cases start with the offender contacting the potential victims on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter . Some of the methods used by the offenders to gain trust include showing love and affection to the victim, promising to make the victim a star or success, and providing a ticket to a new location away from the victim’s home or comfort. There are currently over 3 billion people in the world using the internet as we speak which opens up a door to predators seeking their next victim. Human trafficking occurs so much on the web because of the fact that it’s easy, cheap, fast, and