Bilbo Transformation In The Hobbit

Words: 286
Pages: 2

In Tolkien's novel The Hobbit Bilbo Baggins went from hobbit to hero.The main description for a hobbit is shy and homely and ,but Bilbo changed.He was once a shy hobbit,but turned into an “unexpected hero”.Also Bilbo shows that in many ways during the novel.He fought a massive spider and goblins.Plus he fought the deselant Smauge.
Bilbo transitions from hobbit to hero by his character.As he fought spiders and escaped gollum he stratagy thease are examples of how Bilbo got smarter,and when he did riddels in the dark with gollum.On every part of the journey Bilbo had to use intellagence,so Bilbo molded into a hero.Also he was always tested with another challange.
In the Hobbit Bilbo was known as an “unexpected hero”.He was even considered by