Technology In High Schools

Words: 533
Pages: 3

Technology was the highlight of every 7th graders day last year. Technology was interesting and fun and always taught us something new. We as a class were constantly doing new activities on the computers, but all that changed this year. Technology was replaced with a special class named Math lab. At first most of our class knew what to think of what this new special would be. Yet after the first class it was obvious what Math Lab was. Math lab was a boring, repetitive, strict class that only minorly strengthens skills in Math that most of both classes already knew. If we do not bring back technology instead of math lab we may not be able to learn computer skills that are needed in High School.

If Technology does not come back instead of Math lab we and future 8th graders will not know skills on the computer needed for high school. When our class enters high school, with technology as a class gone, we will not know how to use important programs such as PowerPoint or Microsoft Word. Knoxville Catholic, Farragut High school, and Lenoir City high school have a computers technology class. They have no Math Lab or computers math class. So what then is the point of having a class that does not exist in the later grades? If middle school is serving the purpose of preparing us for high school then shouldn't we mimic the high schools?
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Every day at the last class is Math. And still we have Math class every day. Saying that Math Lab will improve our understanding and knowledge of Math, and improve our GPA on Math scores simply isn’t true. 1 class every week on a subject we have every day will not solve anything! Furthermore the work that we do in Math lab is the opposite of motivating. The work that remembers is repetitive and boring, makes students not want to study! Math class should be for