Essay On Right To Bear Arms

Words: 722
Pages: 3

Family, freedom, good times, fresh venison, and history are just a few of the many things that the second amendment to the United States Constitution means to me. This amendment gives to us "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed". This right isn't one to be taken lightly for me and a large majority of the American population it's a symbol of the freedom we are born with here in this great nation. The second amendment is not taken lightly by most citizens of the United States, whether for gun control or against it many citizens views are very strong towards this one amendment. This amendment means a lot to me personally but what exactly is it saying? First to break this down exactly how it was written. "A well-regulated Militia". What is being said by this? Or in other words, what did that mean when it was written personally it seems to me this means that the small local militias which almost all mean of the area would of been members of so in other words the citizens have the right to be "well" armed. Just think how differently the revolutionary War would had been if the First Americans were not armed. Remember these men were From …show more content…
Of course all law-abiding citizens should have the right to keep and bear arms. There are laws in place to prevent certain individuals from possessing firearms. I completely agree that a Convicted Felon for instance, who also gets other rights taken away should not be aloud to have this right, Also a Mentally ill person who most normally do not have sound judgement. Convicted felons are commonly arrested with guns ,but obviously they are going to do what they want regardless of the law. Because the only people that follow laws are the good people. At this time our leaders countries everything it's obvious American is changing and in this time we must stand strong to keep our